TOKYO GIFTS 62 東京の工芸品・お土産・特産品を扱うギフトショップ

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当サイトに関するお問い合わせは、下記までお願いします。For inquiries about this site, please contact the following.

店舗名 |
開設場所 |
〒163-8001東京都新宿区西新宿2-8-1 東京都庁第一本庁舎1階 北側 東京観光情報センター内
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〒163-8001 2-8-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building No. 1 Main Building 1F North Side, Tokyo Tourist Information Center
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当サイトは、日本工業規格JIS X 8341-3「高齢者・障害者等配慮設計指針-情報通信における機器、ソフトウェア及びサービス-第3部:ウェブコンテンツ」(以下「JIS X 8341-3」という。)のレベル「AA」に準拠することを目標とします。




2.1.3: キーボード操作に関する例外のない達成基準(AAA)
2.3.2: 3回の閃光に関する達成基準(AAA)

JIS X 8341-3:2016に基づいた試験を実施し、その結果を公表します。当該ホームページのうち、試験を実施したページにつきましては、適合レベルAAに一部準拠しております。

  • 1.目標としたWEBアクセシビリティ適合レベル
    適合レベル AA
  • 2.試験を実施したページ
    JISX8341-3:2016試験実施ガイドラインに基づき、東京都産業労働局が運営する (ドメインよりランダムな方法とランダムではない方法を用い、ウェブページ単位で11ページを選択。試験にあたり選択したページおよびページ数は、情報通信アクセス協議会・ウェブアクセシビリティ基盤委員会「JIS X 8341-3:2016 試験実施ガイドライン〔2020年12月版(2020年12月25日公開)」に基づいています。
  • 3.例外事項
  • 4.依存したウェブコンテンツ技術
  • 5.達成基準チェックリスト
    細分箇条 達成基準 レベル 適用 適合 備考
    1.1.1 非テキストコンテンツの達成基準 A 適用 不適合 img要素の代替テキストは提供されているが、一部で文言の重複がみられる
    1.2.1 音声だけ及び映像だけ(収録済み)の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外 音声、映像コンテンツなし
    1.2.2 キャプション(収録済み)の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外 音声、映像コンテンツなし
    1.2.3 音声解説又はメディアに対する代替コンテンツ(収録済み)の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外 音声、映像コンテンツなし
    1.2.4 キャプション(ライブ)の達成基準 AA 対象外 対象外 音声、映像コンテンツなし
    1.2.5 音声解説(収録済み)の達成基準 AA 対象外 対象外 音声、映像コンテンツなし
    1.3.1 情報及び関係性の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    1.3.2 意味のある順序の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    1.3.3 感覚的な特徴の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    1.4.1 色の使用の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    1.4.2 音声の制御の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外 音声、映像コンテンツなし
    1.4.3 コントラスト(最低限レベル)の達成基準 AA 適用 適合
    1.4.4 テキストのサイズ変更の達成基準 AA 適用 適合
    1.4.5 文字画像の達成基準 AA 適用 適合
    2.1.1 キーボードの達成基準 A 適用 適合
    2.1.2 キーボードトラップなしの達成基準 A 適用 適合
    2.2.1 タイミング調整可能の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外
    2.2.2 一時停止,停止及び非表示の達成基準 A 適用 不適合 一時停止,停止及び非表示機能が提供されていない
    2.3.1 3回のせん(閃)光,又はしきい(閾)値以下の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外
    2.4.1 ブロックスキップの達成基準 A 適用 不適合 ブロックスキップが提供されていない
    2.4.2 ページタイトルの達成基準 A 適用 適合
    2.4.3 フォーカス順序の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    2.4.4 リンクの目的(コンテキスト内)の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    2.4.5 複数の手段の達成基準 AA 適用 不適合 ナビゲーションメニューは提供されているがその他の到達手段が提供されていない
    2.4.6 見出し及びラベルの達成基準 AA 適用 適合
    2.4.7 フォーカスの可視化の達成基準 AA 適用 適合
    3.1.1 ページの言語の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    3.1.2 一部分の言語の達成基準 AA 適用 適合
    3.2.1 フォーカス時の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    3.2.2 入力時の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外
    3.2.3 一貫したナビゲーションの達成基準 AA 適用 適合
    3.2.4 一貫した識別性の達成基準 AA 適用 適合
    3.3.1 エラーの特定の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外
    3.3.2 ラベル又は説明の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外
    3.3.3 エラー修正の提案の達成基準 AA 対象外 対象外
    3.3.4 エラー回避(法的,金融及びデータ)の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外
    4.1.1 構文解析の達成基準 A 適用 適合
    4.1.2 名前(name),役割(role)及び値(value)の達成基準 A 対象外 対象外


  • 6.試験実施期間






収集しました個人情報については、ホームページ管理者が厳重に管理し、漏洩、不正流用、改ざん等の防止に適切な対策を講じます。 なお、当サイトの運用については外部に委託することがありますが、委託先においても同様に適切な対策を講じます。


第1 著作権
当サイトに掲載している個々の情報(文章、写真、イラストなど)は、著作権の対象となっています。また、TOKYO GIFTS 62ページ全体も編集著作物として著作権の対象となっており、ともに著作権法により保護されています。「私的使用のための複製」や「引用」など著作権法上認められた場合を除き、無断で複製・転用することはできません。

第2 リンク

  • 1.東京都、または他社(者)・他団体を誹謗中傷したり、信用失墜を意図する内容を含む場合。
  • 2.東京都、または他社(者)・他団体の著作権、商標権等の知的財産権、財産、プライバシーもしくは肖像権その他の権利を侵害する行為、又は侵害するおそれのある場合。
  • 3.フレーム内で本ホームページが展開されるなど、東京都のコンテンツであることが不明確となり、第三者に誤解を与える可能性がある場合。
  • 4.上記各項目の他、法律、条例、規則を含む法令または公序良俗に違反する行為、当サイトの運営を妨害行為するおそれのある場合。
  • 5.東京都が保有するロゴやマークなどを無断で用いてリンクを張る場合。
  • 6.情報発信元を誤認させるような形でリンクを張る場合。


第1 推奨環境
1.Microsoft Internet Explorer 最新バージョン
2.Google Chrome 最新バーション
3.Mozilla Firefox 最新バージョン
4.Safari 最新バージョン
5.Microsoft Edge 最新バージョン

第2 使用技術
その場合でも当サイトの閲覧に大きな支障を来すことはございません。 ブラウザの設定方法は各ソフトのヘルプもしくは製造元へお問い合わせください。

当サイトでは、より快適にご利用いただくため一部のコンテンツにおいてJavaScriptを使用しています。 ご使用のブラウザ設定においてJavaScriptをオン(有効)にされていない場合に、正しく表示されないまたは操作ができない場合がありますので、ご了承ください。

PDF形式のファイルをご覧いただくためには、アドビシステムズ社のAdobe Readerが必要です。 Adobe Readerがインストールされていない場合やホームページの内容が正しく表示されない場合は、最新版をダウンロードしてからご覧下さい。

第3 情報システムのセキュリティ

  • 1.情報資産の安全性及び正確性を保つために、不正なアクセス、破壊、改ざん、紛失及び漏洩等の予防に努め、適切な安全対策を実施いたします。
  • 2.情報資産の取扱については、東京都情報セキュリティ基本方針並びに法令及びその他の規範を遵守いたします。
  • 3.情報資産の処理を外部に委託する場合は、東京都として適切な管理のもとで行います。
  • 4.継続的改善のための仕組みを作り、情報セキュリティの維持・向上を目指してまいります。

第1 免責事項
当サイトに記載された情報の完全性・正確性に対して一切の保証を与えるものではありません。 予告なしに、掲載されている情報を変更することがあります。 当サイトに含まれる情報もしくは内容を利用することで直接・間接的に生じた損失に関し一切責任を負わないものとします。

第2 禁止事項

  • 1.当サイトの運営を妨げる行為および支障をきたす行為。
  • 2.他の利用者、第三者、もしくは当社に迷惑、不利益、プライバシー等の損害を与える行為またはその恐れのある行為。
  • 3.公序良俗に反する行為またはその恐れがある行為。
  • 4.法律、法令もしくは条例に違反する行為。
  • 5.その他、東京都が不適切と判断する行為。

第3 法準拠及び管轄裁判所

○ お問い合わせ

Accessibility Policy
TOKYOGIFTS62 shall aim for this site to conform to the AA level of the Japan Industrial Standards JIS X 8341-3 “Guidelines for Older Persons and Persons with Disabilities – Information and Communications Equipment, Software and Services – Part 3: Web Content” (hereinafter “JIS X 8341-3”).

Range of Application
This policy shall apply to all pages on the website (

The following are difficult to revise at this time, so we shall exclude them from the range of application.

  • 1.Content for which the original data no longer exists (therefore cannot be revised)
  • 2.Some images and videos created in the past
  • 3.Services provided externally and accompanying content
  • 4.Content in the PDF, Excel and Word formats

Accomplishment level
Compliant with level AA

Additional conformance levels
In addition to the criteria for web accessibility achievement levels A and AA, the following achievement standards shall also be met.
2.1.3: Achievement Standard for Keyboarding with No Exceptions (AAA)
2.3.2: Achievement Standard for Three Flashe of lights (AAA)

Web Accessibility Verification Results
The results of the test conducted based on JIS X 8341-3:2016 are released.Among the website, the pages on which the test was conducted are partially compliant with success level AA.

1.Target success level of web accessibility Success level AA

2. Tested Pages
We selected 11 pages at the webpage level using random and non-random methods from the domain ( operated by the Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government based on the JISX8341-3:2016 test guidelines. The pages and number of pages selected for the test are based on the JIS X 8341-3:2016 Test Guidelines [December 2002 Version (Released on December 25, 2020)] of the Info-communication Access Council and Web Accessibility Infrastructure Committee.


4.Dependent web content technology
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

5. Achievement Criteria Checklist

Subdivision Item Achievement Criteria Level Application Conformity Remarks
1.1.1 Achievement criteria for non-text content A Apply Non-conforming Alternate text for the img element has been provided, but there is some duplication of wording
1.2.1 Achievement criteria for audio only and video only (recorded) A Not applicable Not applicable No audio or video content
1.2.2 Achievement criteria for captions (recorded) A Not applicable Not applicable No audio or video content
1.2.3 Achievement criteria for substitute content (recorded) for audio commentary or media A Not applicable Not applicable No audio or video content
1.2.4 Achievement criteria for captions (live) AA Not applicable Not applicable No audio or video content
1.2.5 Achievement criteria for audio commentary (recorded) AA Not applicable Not applicable No audio or video content
1.3.1 Achievement criteria for information and relationships A Apply Conforming
1.3.2 Achievement criteria for meaningful order A Apply Conforming
1.3.3 Achievement criteria for sensory features A Apply Conforming
1.4.1 Achievement criteria for the use of color A Apply Conforming
1.4.2 Achievement criteria for voice control A Not applicable Not applicable No audio or video content
1.4.3 Achievement criteria for contrast (minimum level) AA Apply Conforming
1.4.4 Achievement criteria for text resizing AA Apply Conforming
1.4.5 Achievement criteria for text images AA Apply Conforming
2.1.1 Achievement criteria for keyboards A Apply Conforming
2.1.2 Achievement criteria for no keyboard traps A Apply Conforming
2.2.1 Achievement criteria for timing adjustable A Not applicable Not applicable
2.2.2 Achievement criteria for pause, stop and hide A Apply Non-conforming Pause, stop and hide functions have not been provided
2.3.1 Achievement criteria for three flashes or thresholds A Not applicable Not applicable
2.4.1 Achievement criteria for block skip A Apply Non-conforming Block skip has not been provided
2.4.2 Achievement criteria for page title A Apply Conforming
2.4.3 Achievement criteria for focus order A Apply Conforming
2.4.4 Achievement criteria for link purpose (in context) A Apply Conforming
2.4.5 Achievement criteria for multiple means AA Apply Non-conforming A navigation menu has been provided, but other means of arrival have not been provided
2.4.6 Achievement criteria for headings and labels AA Apply Conforming
2.4.7 Achievement criteria for focus visualization AA Apply Conforming
3.1.1 Achievement criteria for page language A Apply Conforming
3.1.2 Achievement criteria for some languages AA Apply Conforming
3.2.1 Achievement criteria at the time of focus A Apply Conforming
3.2.2 Achievement criteria at the time of input A Not applicable Not applicable
3.2.3 Achievement criteria for consistent navigation AA Apply Conforming
3.2.4 Achievement criteria for consistent distinctiveness AA Apply Conforming
3.3.1 Achievement criteria for error identification A Not applicable Not applicable
3.3.2 Achievement criteria for labels or descriptions A Not applicable Not applicable
3.3.3 Achievement criteria for error correction proposals AA Not applicable Not applicable
3.3.4 Achievement criteria for error avoidance (legal, financial and data) AA Not applicable Not applicable
4.1.1 Achievement criteria for syntax analysis A Apply Conforming
4.1.2 Achievement criteria for names, roles and values A Not applicable Not applicable

*Not applicable: Items that do not exist on the site.

6. Test Period
February 22 to March 16, 2021

Personal Information Protection Policy
We shall collect the information of all the users of this site in the range necessary for the smooth operation of the services we provide (e.g., provision of information on the website and acceptance of various opinions) on this site. We shall appropriately collect, use and manage information under the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information (Ordinance No. 113 of December 21, 1990) (hereinafter “the Ordinance”). At the same time, we shall strive to build a website that all the users can use safely.

What Is Personal Information?
This shall refer to information which can identify specific individuals (e.g., names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses) that has been acquired by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government through this site.

Scope of Application
This policy shall apply only to this site. It shall not apply to other sites linked to this site. The information at linked sites shall be handled at the responsibility of those organizations.

Collection of Personal Information
In principle, personal information shall be provided (registered) at the will of the user when the Tokyo Metropolitan Government collects that information through this site. We shall specify the purpose of collecting that personal information at that time. We shall collect personal information within the range necessary to achieve the purposes we have stated.

Restrictions on the Use of Personal Information
We shall use the personal information we have been provided (registered) within the range of the purposes of collection we have stated in advance. The applicable implementing bodies* shall not use the personal information beyond the purposes of collecting it and shall not provide personal information to other parties except when stipulated by the Ordinance. However, we may publish user attribute and other information that has been statistically processed as long as it does not contain any personal information.
*The “implementing bodies” refers to those that handle the relevant personal information, namely the Governor of Tokyo, administrative commissions, the directors of public enterprises, Fire Chief, and the directors of administrative bodies stipulated by Tokyo Metropolitan Government regulations

Management of Personal Information
The website administrator shall strictly manage the personal information we collect. That administrator shall take the appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, misappropriation and falsification of that personal information. We may outsource the operation of this site. However, the subcontractor in that case shall also take the appropriate measures in the same way.

User Information That Does Not Contain Personal Information
We shall automatically collect Internet domain names, IP addresses, the browsing environment of this site and other information (hereinafter “the User Information”) on this site. The User Information we collect shall be limited to content with the aim of improving the usability of this site. In addition, we shall use that information only within that range. However, we may publish statistically processed information (e.g., access information and browsing environment of this site).

Rights and Links
Article 1  Copyright
The individual information published on this site (e.g., text, photographs, and illustrations) is subject to copyright. In addition, all the pages of TOKYO GIFTS 62 is subject to copyright as edited works and is protected by the Copyright Act. It is not possible to duplicate or use this information without permission except in the event permitted in the Copyright Act (e.g., reproduction for personal use or quotations).

Article 2  Links
In principle, you are free to link to this site regardless of whether for profit or not. However, please do not establish links if one of the following applies or may apply.

  • 1.When your site contains content that slanders or intends to cause a loss in faith in the Tokyo Metropolitant Government, another company (party) or another organization
  • 2. When your site infringes, or may infringe, upon the intellectual property rights (e.g., copyright and trademark rights), assets, privacy, image rights or other rights of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, another company (party) or another organization
  • 3.When it is unclear that this is the content of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and there is a possibility of misleading a third party (e.g., this website is expanded in a frame)
  • 4.When your site violates laws (including acts, ordinances and regulations) or public order and morals in addition to the above items and when there is a risk of interfering with the operation of this site
  • 5.When you link to this site using logos and marks owned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government without permission
  • 6. When you link to this site in a way that leads to a misrecognition of the information source

Please note that the URL of this site is subject to change without notice. In addition, please note that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government shall accept absolutely no responsibility in relation to damages or complaints about links

Article 1   Recommended Environment
We recommend the following browsers to use this site even more safely and comfortably.

  • 1.Microsoft Internet Explorer (Latest version)
  • 2.Google Chrome (Latest version)
  • 3.Mozilla Firefox (Latest version)
  • 4.Safari (Latest version)
  • 5.Microsoft Edge (Latest version)

Article 2  Technologies Used
We use cookies on this site. The purpose of that is to acquire information to make browsing even more convenient and to improve the site on a continuous basis when users visit. Cookies are information sent to the browser of the user from the server relating to the operation of this site. They are recorded on the computer of the user. However, information that identifies individuals (e.g., names, addresses and phone numbers) is not contained in the information recorded. In addition, there is no direct adverse effect on the computer of the user. We may use the cookies of third parties which we subcontract to understand the access situation of each page. You are also able to personally block the reception of cookies with your browser settings. There will be no major interference to your browsing of this site even in that case. Please contact the help desk of your software or the manufacturer for how to set your browser.

We use JavaScript in some of the content of this site so that you can use it even more comfortably. Please understand that you may not be able to correctly display or operate this site if you have not turned on (enabled) JavaScript in the settings of your browser.

You will need Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems Incorporated to view PDF files. If you have not installed Adobe Reader or if the content of this site is not displayed correctly, please download the latest version before browsing this site.

Article 3  Information System Security
This site protects information assets. The purpose of this is to continue business and accomplish our social mission as an administrative agency with the trust of our users.

  • 1.We shall take appropriate safety measures while striving to prevent unauthorized access, destruction, falsification, loss and leakage of information assets to maintain their safety and accuracy
  • 2.We shall comply with the Basic Information Security Policy of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, laws and other norms when handling information assets.
  • 3.We shall only externally outsource the processing of information assets under appropriate management by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
  • 4.We shall build a structure for continuous improvement with the aim of maintaining and improving information security.

Legal Matters
Article 1  Disclaimers
We do not provide any guarantee of the completeness or accuracy of the information published on this site. The information published on this site is subject to change without notice. We shall not accept any responsibility for losses suffered directly or indirectly by using the information or content contained in this site.

Article 2  Prohibitions
You are prohibited from the following acts when using this site.

  • 1.Acts which interfere with or obstruct the operation of this site
  • 2.Acts which inconvenience, disadvantage, or damage the privacy of another user, a third party or our company, or acts which may result in that
  • 3.Acts which violate public order and morals, or acts which may result in that
  • 4.Acts which violate, laws, ordinances and regulations
  • 5.Other acts deemed inappropriate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Article 3  Legal Compliance and Court of Jurisdiction
The use of this site and the interpretation and application of the usage rules described here shall be governed by the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. In addition, the Tokyo District Court shall be the court with exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance for all disputes relating to the use of this site.

Welcoming Environment Promotion Section,
Tourism Division,
Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs
Tokyo Metropolitan government