TOKYO GIFTS 62 – A Gift Shop that Brings Together the Special Products of Tokyo – Opens in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building
2020年6月、東京都庁第一庁舎1階東京観光情報センター内に、東京の特産品を集めたギフトショップ「TOKYO GIFTS 62」がオープンしました。東京都62区市町村(23区、26市、5町、8村)全てのエリアから集めた選りすぐりの特産品を販売しております。
個性豊かな商品を通し東京の各エリアの特性や、長い時間をかけて育まれてきた文化、生産者の熱い想いなど、“知られざる多様な東京の表情”を紹介・発信していますので、「TOKYO GIFTS 62」を通して東京中を旅した気分に浸ってみてはいかがでしょう。
We opened TOKYO GIFTS 62 in the Tokyo Tourist Information Center on the first floor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government No. 1 Building in June 2020. This is a gift shop that brings together the special products of Tokyo. We sell carefully selected special products brought together from all 62 municipalities of Tokyo (23 wards, 26 cities, 5 towns and 8 villages). We are introducing and showcasing unknown and diverse appearances of Tokyo through these unique products. These include the characteristics of each area, the culture nurtured over a long time and the passion of the producers. Why don’t you take this opportunity to feel as though you have traveled all over Tokyo through TOKYO GIFTS 62. All our members of staff are waiting for your visit.